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Central Flyway Hunting


The Waurika Division is in the heart of the Central Flyway and has access to thousands of acres of prime waterfowl hunting.

The hunt ranges from managed habitat, moist soil natural sloughs, cattle ponds, sheet water, dry winter wheat fields, and our version of "timber". We work hard and control the controllable. We pride ourselves on being prepared for whatever mother nature throws at us and being able to adapt each day and each hunt to be successful. 

Each day's hunt is fully guided by knowledgeable guides who are skilled in calling, setting attractive decoy spreads, and retrieving waterfowl.

Over the past several years hunters have experienced very high success. There is a minimum booking of 8 Hunters to have the lodge to yourselves and a max number of 14 Hunters.


 What To Bring Checklist

  • Shotgun - 12 gauge recommended

  • Ammunition - 3” or 3 1/2” non-toxic shot in size(s) 3, 2, or BB (can be purchased from Pro-Shop)

  • Outerwear – grassy pattern camo outer layers, and warm under layers recommended (prepare for the worst weather and hope for the best!)

  • Hunting Boots – warm waterproof recommended

  • Gloves – warm waterproof recommended

  • Camera – for capturing those special moments

  • Eye Protection – sunglasses or shooters glasses recommended

  • Ear Protection – 

  • Slippers/Lodge Shoes – we ask that hunting boots not be worn in the lodge outside of the mudrooms.

  • Toiletries & Personal Prescriptions

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